The Generator Memory Limit box on the Model Generator tab:


is used to control the amount of memory set aside to use as workspace for generating a model.

Large models may run out of generator memory when you attempt to solve them. In this case, you will receive the error message "The model generator ran out of memory." To avoid this error, increase the amount of memory in the Generator Memory Limit field.  You will then need to click the Save button and restart LINGO. Since LINGO sets aside this memory when it starts, changes in LINGO's generator memory limit are not established until you restart the program.

To determine exactly how much generator memory LINGO was able to successfully allocate, run the Help|About LINGO command. The About LINGO dialog box displays the amount of generator memory allocated at startup.

The memory allocated to LINGO’s generator will not be available to the various solver engines contained in LINGO. Thus, you should not allocate overly excessive amounts of memory to the generator.

If you set LINGO's generator memory limit to None, LINGO will allocate all available memory when it starts up. This is not a recommended practice. The default size for the workspace is 32Mb.

Note:By setting LINGO's generator memory limit abnormally high, both LINGO and Windows will resort to swapping virtual memory to and from the hard drive, which can slow down your machine dramatically and result in poor performance. In general, set the memory allocation to a level high enough to comfortably handle your largest models, but not too much higher than that. You can view the amount of memory used in the allotted workspace at any time by opening the solver status window and examining the Generator Memory Used field.