Minimal Spanning Tree Model: MSPAN
In the minimal spanning tree, we need to find a set of links (a tree) in a network that connects all cities. Furthermore, the sum of the distances over all the links in the tree should be minimized. Among other things, this application is useful in constructing communications networks at minimal cost.
It turns out that this becomes a very difficult problem to solve using optimization as the number of nodes grows. For large versions of this problem, the optimization techniques provided by LINGO are not the appropriate tool. One would be wise to pursue alternatives such as heuristics or dynamic programming.
!Given the number of nodes and the distance between
them, finding the shortest total distance of links
on the network to connect all the nodes is the
classic problem called minimal spanning tree (MST).
This model finds the (MST) connecting Atlanta,
Chicago, Cincinnati, Houston, LA, and Montreal so
that messages can be sent from Atlanta (base) to
other cities through the network at minimum cost;
CITY / 1.. 6/: U; ! U( I) = level of city I;
! U( 1) = 0;
DIST, ! The distance matrix;
X; ! X( I, J) = 1 if we use link I, J;
DATA: ! Distance matrix need not be symmetric;
! However, city 1 is base of the tree;
!to: Atl Chi Cin Hou LA Mon ;
DIST = 0 702 454 842 2396 1196 !from Atl;
702 0 324 1093 2136 764 !from Chi;
454 324 0 1137 2180 798 !from Cin;
842 1093 1137 0 1616 1857 !from Hou;
2396 2136 2180 1616 0 2900 !from LA;
1196 764 798 1857 2900 0; !from Mon;
! The model size: Warning, may be slow for N >= 8;
! Minimize total distance of the links;
! For city K, except the base, ... ;
@FOR( CITY( K)| K #GT# 1:
! It must be entered;
@SUM( CITY( I)| I #NE# K: X( I, K)) = 1;
! If there are 2 disjoint tours from 1 city to
another, we can remove a link without breaking
connections. Note: These are not very powerful
for large problems;
@FOR( CITY( J)| J #GT# 1 #AND# J #NE# K:
U( J) >= U( K) + X ( K, J) -
( N - 2) * ( 1 - X( K, J)) +
( N - 3) * X( J, K); );
! There must be an arc out of city 1;
@SUM( CITY( J)| J #GT# 1: X( 1, J)) >= 1;
! Make the X's 0/1;
@FOR( LINK: @BIN( X); );
! The level of a city except the base is at least
1 but no more than N-1, and is 1 if it links to
the base;
@FOR( CITY( K)| K #GT# 1:
@BND( 1, U( K), 999999);
U( K) <= N - 1 - ( N - 2) * X( 1, K); );
Model: MSPAN