Model Title
You can insert a title for a model anywhere you would normally enter a constraint. If a title is included, it will be printed at the top of solution reports. The title is also used as a default argument in the @ODBC function (see Interfacing with Databases).
The model's title must begin with the keyword TITLE and end with a semicolon. All text between TITLE and the semicolon will be taken as the title of the model.
In the following, we have added a title to the beginning of the WIDGETS model:
TITLE Widgets;
! A 6 Warehouse 8 Vendor Transportation Problem;
Excerpt from WIDGETS Model with a Title
Note that when we display the solution report, the title is now displayed along the top:
Model Title: Widgets
Variable Value Reduced Cost
CAPACITY( WH1) 60.00000 0.0000000
CAPACITY( WH2) 55.00000 0.0000000
CAPACITY( WH3) 51.00000 0.0000000
CAPACITY( WH4) 43.00000 0.0000000
Excerpt from Solution Report to WIDGETS Model with a Title