Network Equilirium Model: NETEQ1
In this example, we have a network of pipelines capable of transporting either fluid or gas. There is a total of eight nodes and 11 arcs between them. Two of the nodes are source nodes, while the remaining nodes are net demanders of product. The pressures at the source nodes are given. The model determines the flow of product down each arc and the pressures at each of the nodes.
! Network equilibrium NETEQ1:
based on Hansen et. al.,
Math. Prog. vol. 52, no.1;
NODE/A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H/:
P; ! Pressure at this node;
ARC( NODE, NODE)/ B A, C A, C B, D C, E D,
F D, G D, F E, H E, G F, H F/ :
R, ! Resistance on this arc;
FLO; ! Flow on this arc;
SRC( NODE)/ G, H/:
PFIXED; ! Fixed pressure at source nodes;
DEST( NODE) | #NOT# @IN( SRC, &1):
DEMAND; ! Given demand at destination nodes;
PFIXED = 240, 240;
DEMAND = 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 7;
R = 1, 25, 1, 3, 18, 45, 1, 12, 1, 30, 1;
! For incompressible fluids and electricity:
PPAM = 1, for gases: PPAM = 2;
PPAM = 1;
! For optimization networks: FPAM = 0
( for arcs withflow >= 0)
electrical networks: FPAM = 1
other fluids: 1.8 <= FPAM <= 2;
FPAM = 1.852;
! Set the pressures for the source/reservoir nodes;
@FOR( SRC( I): P( I) = PFIXED( I));
! Conservation of flow at non-source nodes;
@SUM( ARC( I, J): FLO( I, J)) = DEMAND( J) +
@SUM( ARC( J, K): FLO( J, K))
! Relate pressures at 2 ends of each arc;
@FOR( ARC( I, J):
P( I)^ PPAM - P( J)^ PPAM = R( I, J) *
FLO( I, J) ^ FPAM;
Model: NETEQ1