The Solution
Solving the model, we get the following nonzero values for the assignment variable X:
Variable Value
X( A, 2) 1.000000
X( B, 3) 1.000000
X( C, 4) 1.000000
X( D, 1) 1.000000
X( E, 3) 1.000000
X( F, 4) 1.000000
X( G, 4) 1.000000
X( H, 3) 1.000000
X( I, 3) 1.000000
X( J, 4) 1.000000
X( K, 4) 1.000000
Solution: ASLBAL
Summarizing this solution, we have:
Workstation |
Assigned Tasks |
Cycle Time |
1 |
D |
50 |
2 |
A |
45 |
3 |
B, E, H, I |
50 |
4 |
C, F, G, J, K |
50 |
The cycle time for the entire line is 50 minutes--the maximum of the cycle times across all the workstations. We have a well balanced line in that only workstation 2 has slack time totaling 5 minutes.