The Warm Start option controls the linear solver that is used by the branch-and-bound solver at each node of the solution tree when a previous solution is present to use as a "warm start." The Cold Start option, discussed below, determines the solver to use when a previous solution does not exist.

If you pull down the drop-down box for Warm Start, you’ll find the following:


The available options are:

LINGO Decides – LINGO chooses the most appropriate solver.
Barrier – LINGO uses the barrier method, assuming you have purchased a license for the barrier solver. Otherwise, the dual solver will be used.
Primal  – LINGO uses the primal solver exclusively.
Dual – LINGO uses the dual solver exclusively.

In general, LINGO Decides will yield the best results. The barrier solver can’t make use of a pre-existing solution, so Barrier usually won’t give good results. In general, Dual will be faster than Primal for reoptimization in branch-and-bound.