APISET Command
The APISET command gives you access to all the parameters in the LINDO API, which is the solver library used by LINGO. LINGO allows access to most of the important solver parameters through the SET command and the Solver|Options command. However, some of the more advanced parameters may only be accessed through the APISET command. The syntax for this command is:
APISET param_id {int|double} param_value
where param_id is the parameter’s index and param_value is the value you wish to set the parameter to. You will also need to indicate if the parameter is an integer or double precision quantity.
Some examples of the APISET command follow:
Example 1: APISET 5341 INT 10000
sets the MIP branch limit (LS_IPARAM_MIP_BRANCH_LIMIT=5341) to 10000,
Example 2: HELP APISET
will cause LINGO to display all current APISET settings, and
removes all custom LINDO API settings, returning to the defaults.
You will need to refer to the LINDO API documentation for a list of available parameters and their indices. The LINDO API documentation is available at no charge as part of the LINDO API download on the LINDO Systems Web site. The LINGO installation also comes with a macro definition file, Lindo.h, which contains all the parameter indices for the LINDO API.
Parameter values set with the APISET command are not stored from one LINGO session to the next. Give the HELP APISET command for a listing of parameters that are currently active. To remove all APISET parameter settings type the command: APISET DEFAULT.
If there are some LINDO API parameters you wish to permanently set, you may place a series of APISET commands in an AUTOLG.DAT script file that automatically gets run at the start of each LINGO session.