MODEL Command
Use the MODEL command to begin inputting a new model into LINGO. LINGO prompts for each new line of the model with a question mark. When you are through entering the model, enter END on a single line by itself. LINGO will then return to normal command mode (indicated by the colon prompt).
In the following example, we enter a small model with the MODEL command, display it with the LOOK command, and then solve it with the GO command:
? !How many years does it take
? to double an investment growing
? 10% per year?;
? 1.1 ^ YEARS = 2;
1]!How many years does it take
2]to double an investment growing
3]10% per year?;
4]1.1 ^ YEARS = 2;
: GO
Feasible solution found at step: 0
Variable Value
YEARS 7.272541
Row Slack or Surplus
1 0.000000