New Features for LINGO 20.0

LINDO Systems is proud to introduce LINGO 20.0. The new features added to LINGO include the following:

Improved heuristics for general integer programs.
Support for Indicator constraints as part of Linearization step.
More types of expressions can be automatically linearized, so you can now use a fast linear solver where otherwise a much slower (30x?) nonlinear solver might be required.
Advanced linearization of QP and Conic models.
Improved linearization of certain IF expressions.
Improved handling/faster solution of linear fractional programs (ratio objectives).
Improved bound tightening process.
Auxiliary variables generated automatically to improve performance with complicated expressions.
Excel Add-In for automating model solves. It is now easy to integrate a LINGO model into an Excel workbook. The end user sees it as just a smart Excel spreadsheet that can solve say, a cutting stock problem for metal fabrication, or vehicle routing and delivery problems, or a supply chain shipping assignment problem, and more.
REST API examples and code projects included, useful for distributed computing when you want to have an optimization based application accessible on the web from smart phones and other devices.
Code examples of Docker Images running LINGO API based apps. Docker images make it easy to move applications from one server to another with minimal hassle
More robust R interface installer.
Improved interface to Python. Python is one of the most popular languages for doing general computations. It is now much easier to establish an interface between your Python application and your optimization model in LINGO.
Improved support for implied set names such as J01..J99.
Improved ODBC connection to databases allowing import of sets (in addition to attributes) within Calc sections.
Ability to generate alternate optimal solutions to linear programming models. This may be done interactively, or programmatically within Calc sections using the @NEXTALTOPT() function.

We hope you enjoy this new release of LINGO. Many of the new features in this release are due to suggestions from our users. In particular, we'd like to thank both Robert Coughlan and Wu Jian (Jack) for their many useful suggestions for improving LINGO. If there are any features you'd like to see in the next release of LINGO, please let us know. Feel free to reach us at:

LINDO Systems Inc.

1415 N. Dayton St.

Chicago, Illinois 60642

(312) 988-7422


August 2022