Demand Substitution | MultiNomi.lng | Multinomial Logit(MNL) Consumer Choice and Assortment model | LINGO |
Demand Substitution | ProdPortStrict.lng | Consumer Choice and Assortment model | LINGO |
Demand Substitution | AssortPlan.lng | Assortment Planning | LINGO |
Demand Substitution | AssortPlanX.lng | Assortment planning | LINGO |
Demand Substitution | MultiNomiX.lng | Assortment planning/ Consumer Choice | LINGO |
Demand Substitution | NuVendSub02.lng | Multi-item newsvendor model with demand substitution | LINGO |
Demand Substitution | NuVendSubX01.xlsx | Multi-item newsvendor model with demand substitution | What'sBest! |