SOLU Command
The SOLU, or SOLUTION, command displays a solution report for the current model. The syntax of the SOLU command is:
SOLU ['header_text'] [ var_or_row_names]
For a standard solution report, omit the two optional arguments and enter the SOLU command by itself. LINGO will print primal and dual values for all the variables and rows in the model. LINGO will label all the columns in the report.
The first optional field, header_text, will be displayed as a title header in the solution report. If the header_text argument is included, LINGO prints primal values only, omitting all labels in the report.
The second optional field, var_or_row_names, is a variable and/or row name list that, if included, will limit the report to the given variable or row name. The standard wild card characters (* and %) are supported in the variable and row names.
As an example, in the following session, we load the Chess Snackfoods example from the Using Sets section and then generate several solution reports using SOLU:
: GO
Global optimal solution found at step: 0
Objective value: 2692.308
: !Generate a standard SOLU report
Variable Value Reduced Cost
SUPPLY( PEANUTS) 750.0000 0.0000000
SUPPLY( CASHEWS) 250.0000 0.0000000
PRICE( PAWN) 2.000000 0.0000000
PRICE( KNIGHT) 3.000000 0.0000000
PRICE( BISHOP) 4.000000 0.0000000
PRICE( KING) 5.000000 0.0000000
PRODUCE( PAWN) 769.2308 0.0000000
PRODUCE( KNIGHT) 0.000000 0.1538461
PRODUCE( BISHOP) 0.000000 0.7692297E-01
PRODUCE( KING) 230.7692 0.0000000
FORMULA( PEANUTS, PAWN) 15.00000 0.0000000
FORMULA( PEANUTS, KNIGHT) 10.00000 0.0000000
FORMULA( PEANUTS, BISHOP) 6.000000 0.0000000
FORMULA( PEANUTS, KING) 2.000000 0.0000000
FORMULA( CASHEWS, PAWN) 1.000000 0.0000000
FORMULA( CASHEWS, KNIGHT) 6.000000 0.0000000
FORMULA( CASHEWS, BISHOP) 10.00000 0.0000000
FORMULA( CASHEWS, KING) 14.00000 0.0000000
Row Slack or Surplus Dual Price
1 2692.308 1.000000
2 0.000000 1.769231
3 0.000000 5.461538
: !Generate a SOLU report for PRODUCE
Variable Value Reduced Cost
PRODUCE( PAWN) 769.2308 0.0000000
PRODUCE( KNIGHT) 0.000000 0.1538461
PRODUCE( BISHOP) 0.000000 0.7692297E-01
PRODUCE( KING) 230.7692 0.0000000
: !Now add a header and use a wildcard
If you would like to capture the solution report in a file, use the DIVERT command before the SOLU command.
For more information on the interpretation of the various fields in the solution report, see Getting Started with LINGO.
If the solution report is scrolling off the screen, you can use the PAGE command to set the page length to n lines, so LINGO will pause every time n lines are printed and wait until you are ready to proceed with the next page.