Optimization Modeling with LINGO (featuring LINGO) by Linus Schrage.
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Industrial Process Plants by Ravi Nath
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Introduction to Operations Research (featuring LINGO) by Frederick S. Hillier & Gerald J. Lieberman.
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Quantitative Methods for Business (featuring LINGO) by Anderson, Sweeney, Williams, Camm, Cochran, Fry & Ohlmann.
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Operations Research: Applications and Algorithms (featuring LINGO and classic LINDO) by Wayne L. Winston.

Solving Problems with LINGO (English edition featuring LINGO) by Carlos Moya Mulero.
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Solucionando problemas com o LINGO (Portuguese edition featuring LINGO) by Carlos Moya Mulero.
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Modeling, Analysis and Optimization of Process and Energy Systems (featuring What'sBest!) by F. Carl Knopf.
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Business Applications of Operations Research (featuring LINGO) by Bodhibrata Nag.
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Decision Modeling (featuring LINGO) by David M. Tulett.
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Optimization in Chemical Engineering (featuring LINGO) by Suman Dutta.
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Modeling the Supply Chain (featuring What'sBest!) by Jeremy F. Shapiro.

Nurse Scheduling Problem: A Case Study in a hospital (featuring LINGO) by Erjon Duka.
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Programação Matemática para Otimização de Processos (Portuguese edition featuring LINGO)
by Jorge A. W. Gut
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Pesquisa operacional aplicada à logística (Portuguese edition featuring LINGO)
by Adriano Maniçoba da Silva
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Operations Research: A Model-Based Approach (featuring LINGO)
by H. A. Eiselt and Carl-Louis Sandblom
Publisher's website, Amazon