LINDO Systems is proud to introduce LINGO 21.0. The new features added to LINGO include the following:

ü Improved reproducibility when solving a problem repeatedly, particularly with the concurrent option when solving with fastest of Barrier, Primal simplex, and dual simplex Global solver, improved handling of IF statements and polynomials.
ü New symmetry detection capabilities have been added to the integer (MIP) solver. This may dramatically reduce the time needed to prove optimality on some models with integer variables.
ü Improved Multi-start.
ü Links to many third-party external solvers.
ü Windows: Improved model editor, with the ability to split the edit window into multiple panes.
ü Windows: Auto-completion of common keywords when typing.
ü Windows: Larger toolbar buttons.
ü Windows: Larger Undo Redo buffer with support for more operations.
ü Windows: Faster find and replace method.
ü Windows: Improved Unicode handling.




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